CWAS Book Series on West African Studies: Economy·Ghana I : Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Growth for SMEs in Ghana
ICT Innovation is widely acknowledged in enhancing the performance of a firm’s competitiveness and sustainable growth. Yet there has been limited research on investigating the antecedents to ICT Innovation utilization and its impact on the growth of SMEs in emerging economies.
The book assesses the impact of the use of ICT Innovation on the growth of SMEs in Ghana. A conceptual model consisting of eight research hypotheses and two control variables are developed and tested based on 326 owners or managers of Ghanaian SMEs from manufacturing, service, retail, wholesale, construction and beyond. The research is generated by using SPSS multiple regression, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Pearson Correlation analysis, and AMOS a Structural Equation Model(SEM).
The key analysis indicates a positive and significant effects on the use of ICT Innovation on the growth of SMEs in Ghana. The study demonstrates that the antecedents: Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Factor and External Pressure have positive and significant effects on the use of ICT Innovation. Our findings also reveal that with or without the mediating effect of ICT Innovation utilization, the antecedents: Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Factor, Personal Innovativeness, Firm Characteristics and External Pressure make significant and positive contributions to SMEs growth.
The book has bridged theoretical gap by assessing the effect of antecedents on ICT Innovation utilization and its effects on SMEs growth. In the area of practical application, the book indicates that Performance Expectancy, Utilization of ICT Innovation and Firm Characteristics are what Ghanaian SMEs should enhance most in the application of ICT Innovation for SMEs’ growth in Ghana.